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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs

1998 Project Summary

For summer 1998, there are 12 students and 10 faculty members working on 12 different 项目. Two faculty members are involved with multiple 项目.

纪律 项目数量
美国研究 1
生物学 4
业务 1
Chemistry and Physics 4
心理学 1

Sociology, Anthropology and Social


总: 6 disciplines, 3 math/natural science


Catherine Berheide, Sociology, Anthropology & 社会工作
An Analysis of Men's Roles in Neglectful Families

科里R. Freeman-Gallant, 生物学
Genetic Population Structure in Savannah Sparrows (Passerculuc sandwichensis) at Small 地理尺度

Steven Frey, Chemistry and Physics
米歇尔·D. Ritorto 99
Synthetic Modeling of Dinuclear Hydrolase Enzymes

Grant Gutheil, 心理学
Preschoolers' Understanding of Individual Identity

詹姆斯J. 肯内利、业务
A sense of Place: 业务 Enterprises and their Rootedness in Community

Bernard Possidente, 生物学
Mackenzie Evangelist '98
Is there a Circadian Rhythm for Fertility in Fruit flies?

Bernard Possidente, 生物学
Effects of Androgenic Steroids on Rat Circadian Rhythms

Steven Tysoe, Chemistry and Physics
Roni Kopelman, 2000年
A Novel Approach to Attachment of Organometallic Probes to Nucleic Acids

Steven Tysoe, Chemistry and Physics
Michael Tapella '00
Use of Ru(II) Complexes as Biological Stains

Joanna Zangrando, 美国研究
Krista Senator '99
The Search for Helen Campbell, Writer, Reformer, Home Economics Pioneer